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Mike Jenks

Mike Jenks
General Manager, Broker

Michael (Mike) Jenks is the General Manager of Aleut Real Estate and Broker-in-Charge for Tayal Brokerage. He is a shareholder of Aleut and The Atxam Corporation. His family is from Atka, Alaska, a remote island out in the Aleutian Chain. 
He served as a Combat Engineer in the United States Marine Corps. After an honorable discharge, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Social Science and then a Masters of Business Administration.
Michael worked for 11 years in counseling, human resources, management, and organizational development prior to him becoming a full time real estate professional. He also served on The Aleut Foundation (TAF) Board of Directors for 10 years. 
Michael has been a real estate investor since 2009, and a licensed Realtor since 2013. He believes in the potential of real estate to enrich our lives and is bringing his knowledge and passion to benefit the Aleut shareholders and descendants.